Order your own, personalized Valentine's day Cards from me before 10 February 2010.
Your own high quality photos may be used or you may book a mini session with me. Valentine's Day cards are available, using your own photos at just R45 each. These cards will then be e-mailed to you and you can do the printing yourself.
Alternatively, Valentine's day cards may be ordered already printed, at R75 each, for an A4 sized print.
Once again, if you'd like to book a photosession for Valentine's day please do so THIS week, since I will be on Maternity leave from 18 January 2010. Cards may still be ordered, but no photosessions will be done after the 18th.
Naughty or Nice? Sugar or Spice?
All women have a different sense of sexuality or sense of fun...
Let me capture your sense of naughty or nice... Sugar or spice, as a special gift to your man (or your woman) this Valentines day!
Space will be limited as this special offer is only valid from
4 Jan 2010 until 16 Jan 2010.
Sessions can be done in the comfort of your own home
at a mere *R50-00 extra.
*Westrand area only* More will be charged for areas outside of the Westrand area.
-1 Naughty or nice Session
-1 CD with 15 Digitally Processed Images
Extra’s such as printed coffee mugs, Calenders, Canvas prints, Storybook Albums, Mousepads, Memory sticks/Flash drives and more available on request.
Upon booking a 50% non-refundabledeposit will be payable. The
outstanding amount is due on the day of your session before shooting
commences. Strictly first come, first serve.
To book your session, contact Tertia:
082 460 6255
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